## Presentation in Jekyll Using Reveal.js
**Reveal.js** is a "HTML presentation framework."
[Click](http://lab.hakim.se/reveal-js) for an introduction.
Source: [ahxxm.github.io](https://github.com/ahxxm/ahxxm.github.io/blob/master/_posts/2016-09-06-slide-en.md)
### Choose Your Pill
[slides.com](https://slides.com) could be better, it offers full functional web interface.
Good: easy to use, easy to use, easy to use.
- **hard** to trace edit history
- default public: except you have a hard-to-guess username
- not quite geek(well..)
### Install
We need a `slide` layout for presentations: just add this [slide.html](https://raw.githubusercontent.com/ahxxm/ahxxm.github.io/master/_layouts/slide.html) to `_layouts` directory.
Create new post using this layout:
layout: slide
title: Presentation in Jekyll
description: Web presentation in Jekyll using Reveal.js
theme: league
transition: fade
permalink: /152.moew/
your post inside(format will be covered in next slide)
Now you can write presentation slides:
presentation template in _layouts... done!
one section for one slide... ↓
### Presentation Layout
Pages are organized horizontally.
Use nested sections to create vertical pages, ↓
Like [this](https://github.com/hakimel/reveal.js/blob/3.3.0/demo.html#L58).