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IT 先 锋 系 列 研 讨 会

《 基于组件的系统架构设计 》


时 间
【 2002 年 6 月 2 日 周 日 下午 2 点 】

地 点 
【 学研大厦 二楼多功能厅 】


一、主 持 人:

徐 毅 - AKA 沙龙成员  mobile:13621143460  E-MAIL: xuas@akaer.org



听众:   项目管理,系统架构设计师

背景:这是AKA沙龙IT 先 锋 系 列 研 讨 会---基于组件的系统架构设计,本期研讨会的主讲人来自beans软件(北京)有限公司。beans软件公司是一家在组件技术方面领先的世界级软件公司。


1. What is a framework
2. Types of framework
3. Overview of Component based solution
4. A framework called Kernl
5. Overview of Kernl
6. Usage scenarios of Kernl
- EAI with JMS
- Use of Hub and Spoke
- Use of Web services


Tay Chee Chong


Graduated in 1995.

Bachelor of Science, Information Systems and Computer Science 

National University of Singapore

Responsible for product management of Kernl, which is a J2EE framework for multi-channel enterprise application development. Required to define product directions and requirements as well as working with the product development team to ensure successful implementation of the requirements. Coordinate with the marketing team on product launches, product-related events, training and seminars.

Completed and involved in projects as follows:

Involved in a large bank project that aims to centralize processes across borders and business units into a single operating model. This business model will maximize the benefits of lower cost locations and exploits the economies of scale and synergies available from converging business processes. Main role as a Solution Architect to provide design and architect EJB solutions based on Kernl framework. The Kernel framework is deployed on IBM AIX and WebSphere 3.5 with integration to IBM products like MQ Series, DB2, MQ Workflow and Content Manager document management. Interfaces to mainframe systems are done through MQ adapters.

Participated in a big-scale national project for the Hong Kong (HK) government. Working as a Solution Architect to define the integration points between the Kernl framework, Filenet and external devices like document scanner, barcode and fingerprint scanner and digital camera. An extensive benchmark activity is conducted with the HK government to exhibit the load handling and performance that Kernl has. As a prove of technology, a Workflow system for the project is built using Kernl running on IBM AIX, WebLogic 6 and Oracle.



技术支持厂商----北京贝恩斯软件有限公司 http://www.beansfactory.com.



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