GNOME的各个地方都用到了CORBA,例如:File Manager, Panel, Window Manager, 以及极其重要的Bonobo。通过使用CORBA,应用之间的接口变得清晰,交互变的简单。
Name Service是用来寻找CORBA的servers的,就象DNS是用来寻找hostname的IP的。同理,要想获得DNS服务,首先需要找到一个DNS Server;要想获得CORBA的Name Service,也需要获得一个Naming Server。
ORBit下的Name Serive有两个问题:1) 需要手工启动orbit-name-server;2) 它与CORBA_ORB_resolve_initial_reference函数并不合作。
Gnorba实现了一个gnome_name_service_get函数用来检查和启动orbit-name-server,并返回它的引用供使用。这个函数实际上把信息存在X的根视窗的一个CORBA_NAME_SERVICE 属性中,CORBA的Client和Server只需要查找这个值,就可以获得Naming Server了。如果不在X环境下,这个功能是无法实现的,这就是前面两个问题出现的原因。其实它就是CORBA_ORB_resolve_initial_reference的一个包裹。
有了orbit-name-server,一个对象就可以通过它找到自己要访问的CORBA Server。但是它怎么知道现在那些Server可用呢?另外,让所有的Servers都运行在内存中也是没有必要的,因为可能并没有Client需要它的服务。这就是GOAD存在的意义。例如它提供的一个函数goad_server_list_get可以当前在GOAD注册的所有的servers;goad_server_activate_exe可以激活一个Server。
[cdplayer_applet] type=exe repo_id=IDL:GNOME/Applet:1.0 description=CD player applet location_info=cdplayer_applet
interface Calculator { double add(in double number1, in double number2); };
#include "calculator-impl.c" #includeint main(int argc, char* argv[]) { CORBA_ORB orb; CORBA_Environment* ev; PortableServer_ObjectId* oid; Calculator calculator; PortableServer_POA root_poa; PortableServer_POAManager pm; CORBA_char* objref; ev = g_new0(CORBA_Environment,1); CORBA_exception_init(ev); orb = CORBA_ORB_init(&argc, argv, "orbit-local-orb", ev); /* Handle exception somehow */ root_poa = (PortableServer_POA)CORBA_ORB_resolve_initial_references(orb, "RootPOA", ev); /* Handle exception somehow */ calculator = impl_Calculator__create(root_poa, ev); /* Handle exception somehow */ objref = CORBA_ORB_object_to_string(orb, calculator, ev); /* Handle exception somehow */ fprintf(stderr, "%s\n", objref); pm = PortableServer_POA__get_the_POAManager(root_poa, ev); /* Handle exception somehow */ PortableServer_POAManager_activate(pm, ev); /* Handle exception somehow */ CORBA_ORB_run(orb, ev); return 0; } CORBA_double do_add(impl_POA_Calculator * servant, CORBA_double number1, CORBA_double number2, CORBA_Environment * ev) { CORBA_double retval; retval = number1 + number2; return retval; }
没有GNOME GUI的Client实现
#include "orb/orbit.h" #include "calculator.h" #includeint main(int argc, char* argv[]) { CORBA_Environment ev; CORBA_ORB orb; CORBA_Object server; CORBA_double res; gchar* dummy_argv[2]; gint dummy_argc; dummy_argc = 1; dummy_argv[0] = argv[0]; dummy_argv[1] = 0; CORBA_exception_init(&ev); orb = CORBA_ORB_init(&dummy_argc, dummy_argv, "orbit-local-orb", &ev); server = CORBA_ORB_string_to_object(orb, argv[1], &ev); res = Calculator_add(server,1.0, 2.0, &ev); fprintf(stdout,"1.0 + 2.0 = %2.0f\n", res); CORBA_Object_release(server,&ev); exit(0); }
GNOME GUI下的Client实现
#include#include "calculator.h" int main(int argc, char* argv[]) { CORAB_Environment env; CORBA_ORB orb; CORBA_Object server; CORBA_double res; GtkWidget* app; gchar* dummy_argv[2] gint dummy_argc; CORBA_exception_init(&ev); dummy_argc = 1; dummy_argv[0] = argv[0]; dummy_argv[1] = 0; orb = gnome_CORBA_init("simple-calculator", NULL, &dummy_argc, dummy_argv, 0, NULL, &ev); server = CORBA_ORB_string_to_object(orb, argv[1], &ev); app = create_gui(server); gtk_widget_show_all(app); gtk_main(); exit(0); }; GtkWidget* create_gui(CORBA_Object server) { /* create the gui with all the elemts. e1 is the entry widget for the first value; e2 is the entry widget for the second value; res is the widget to display the result; b_add is the button to add the two values; b_sub is the button to subtract the two values; window is the top level window */ /* create all the widgets and place them in the window */ ...... gtk_object_add(b_add, "calc-server", server); gtk_object_add(b_add, "e1", e1); gtk_object_add(b_add, "e2", e2); gtk_object_add(b_add, "res", res); gtk_signal_connect(b_add, "clicked", add_it, 0); return hbox; } void add_it(GtkWidget* o, CORBA_Environment* ev) { GtkWidget* e1; GtkWidget* e2; GtkWidget* res; CORBA_double d1; CORBA_double d2; CORBA_double d3; /* extract the values from the e1, e2 entry fields. convert the strings to double values and assign these values to d1, d2 respectivly */ res = Calculator_add(d1, d2, ev); /* convert res to a string and display it in the res widget */ }